Track the hidden counterfeiters via a photo
Guangzhou Yuexiu PSB destroyed a large fake designer clothing production and marketing chain
Roy team with PSB cracked down factories which manufactured and sold counterfeit garments
ROY with PSB cracked down factories which manufactured and sold counterfeit Bags
Our investigation team noticed a suspected shanty hidden in a county in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province back in August 2019. As time went by it started to occur to us this in fact served as a warehouse storing large quantities of counterfeit clothes of designer brands
During site checks in early June 2018, our investigation team discovered a factory located in Dali Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
In press conference on 3 December 2019, Guangdong Police shared results of “KUN LUN” and food safety special operations
Commanded by Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department and joined by several Guangzhou municipal authorities, the raids took place on the evening of August 28, 2019, which deployed over 200 police to seize 2 million and more counterfeit tablets from drug gangs located in cities including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shantou, Foshan.